3 May 2008

Majimena-mode strikes back

I'm cancelling all non-homework activities this weekend, even tonights' party plans that I confirmed yesterday. I feel bad for doing this again, but I have to prioritize what is important. Socializing is important too, and might be just as, or even more, important than mere tests; the social life here is the foundation of close friendships and future international contacts.

But: I have 2 tests, a presentation and a mid-term next week... And when I got back my last Japanese test, my teacher commented "this is not so good..."; Implied meaning; this is bad (≈ you suck). Good results for the next test (kanji, kanji, and more kanji) will be the foundation of good results of the 2nd test (text with a lot of kanji), and studying for both will aid my preparations for my presentation. And then there's the mid-term exam...

The presentation is an interesting piece in itself; "Present a product your hometown is famous for!"
Cecily - "Can I make my presentation about the Vikings?"
Sensei - "No, it has to be about a product."
Cecily - "But, how about the boats the Vikings produced?"
Sensei - "No, that's still history."
Cecily - "... There's a silverware factory...?"
Sensei - "Good! Present how they are famous, and why they're in your hometown!"
Cecily - "...There's really no reason why they chose my hometown..."
Sensei - "Please look it up."
Cecily - "..."

I really have to study for my Japanese tests, and for that I'll have to cancel (my appearance at) tonights party plans. If I went to the party I'd only be thinking of the lost study hours (and there are enough of them already!) and not have fun; resulting in no point in going to the party at all, but spend the time constructively and be happier tomorrow (or possibly next week when I get my tests back).

I have a complete set of arguments and reasons for this, but I still hate cancelling again.. I've been doing this too much lately, but I can't really help it. I hate letting people down.

Do anyone have a cure for the "Good-Girl Syndrome" ? Please call me if you do.

I'm way too serious about school these days, but I am going to deal with it - after I've finished my homework. Then I have quite a project ahead; learning how to find and maintain a good balance of schoolwork, motivation, restitution and social life.

Wish me luck.

Majimena (Jap. adjective) = serious, earnest, sincere, honest, sober, solemn, but in everyday use it has slightly negative connotations to people being (a little) too serious as opposed to fun-loving.


Anonymous said...

I'll take the japanese exam next week,too!!! So let's study hard together even in the different countries~
and also one thing about plastic tree. The summer tour is coming soon,,,and this time they'll go around Japan~what a good news!!!
(not for me,,,haha!)

Cecily said...

I hope that means good news for me but..the summer tour might be in my exams period, or when I'm going back to my home country... Still, I'm crossing my fingers!

Let's study hard for our exams! :D