8 March 2010

Blog post #2 - 2010: Time Leap - skipped past February to Mach

A new era, a new outlook, new plans, new projects, new procrastinations, new problems - or perhaps the same old story in a new guise.

February's blogpost was duly ignored due to exams, but now I've finally finished what feels like the 2 most important exams of my bachelor's degree. The outcome? Haven't got the results back yet, but I feel good about the exams. Part of me says "I'm not failing, so it's all good", while another part of me says "Well, I'm not happy unless it's atleast a ...!" I think it's fair to guess that the outcome will be somewhere in between those to extremes... I still have one more exam before the summer, but mostly to fill out the rest of the semester.

So... the most important exams done, now I have to find a job. The dreaded, scary jobhunting era has finally begun. I still have some courses I'd like to take at my university, so it looks like I'm staying in town for another year or so - unless I get a steady job somewhere else. A steady job trumps everything else.

My activities nowadays will be jobhunting; research businesses and companies, looking up internships, requirements and application deadlines, writing applications, updating my online profiles and applications.

On the leisure front I'll be sewing a pair of curtains, making a commissioned painting or two, reading japanese litterature, rewieving japanese grammar and vocabulary, and hopefully blog the occasional blog post.

February, though exam preparation hell: 
We had the best party ever! Coctail & Tapas, Triple Birthday and House Warming Party! We had about 40 guests, no fights, only 1 broken glass, and no neighbour complaints! :)

1 comment:

jessica~ said...

hi cecily!!
how are u? i'm doing fine in HK~~going to hv exams soon, and same as u, job hunting now!!! it's not easy to find a job with reasonable salary.....but still i hv to find one! hope we're lucky to get good jobs~~~
will u go travelling in summer? let's chat more in facebook or msn~~ :)